
Statut : 1-À faire1

gthumb.desktop possède 1/32 éléments traduits et son contenu est traduit3 à 76.0%

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name gThumb
summary View and organize your images Afficher et organiser vos images
description gThumb is an image viewer, editor, browser and organizer. It is designed to be well integrated with the GNOME 3 desktop.As an image viewer gThumb allows to view common image file formats such as BMP, JPEG, GIF (including the animations), PNG, TIFF, TGA and RAW images. It is also possible to view various metadata types embedded inside an image such as EXIF, IPTC and XMP.As an image editor gThumb allows to scale, rotate and crop the images; change the saturation, lightness, contrast as well as other color trasformations.As an image browser gThumb shows the thumbnails of the images saved on your disk, allows to perform the common operations of a file manager such as copy, move and delete files and folders. Furthermore there is a series of image specific tools such as JPEG lossless transformations; image resize; format conversion; slideshow; setting an image as desktop background and several others.As an image organizer gThumb allows to add comments and other metadata to images; organize images in catalogs and catalogs in libraries; search for images and save the result as a catalog.

Téléchargement du fichier XML source4 : gthumb.desktop

  1. déduit sommairement des traductions en cours, avec une priorité pour un logiciel traduit à plus de 80%. 

  2. on ne s'intérresse ici qu'au nom, au sous-titre et à la description. 

  3. basé sur appstream glib qui indique dans son fichier as-translation n'inclure que les fichiers gettext et QT. 

  4. il s'agit d'un extrait de

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