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name mMass
summary Open Source Mass Spectrometry Tool
description Open Source Mass Spectrometry ToolWhile tools for the automated analysis of MS and LC-MS/ MS data are continuously improving, it is still often the case that at the end of an experiment, the mass spectrometrists will spend time carefully examining individual spectra. Current software support is mostly provided only by the instrument vendors, and the available software tools are often instrument-dependent. Such software can only be used to analyze data from a specific instrument, and this causes serious problems for laboratories that use more than one instrument. This tight software-instrument relationship also causes problems for laboratories that do not possess their own instruments, and have to obtain mass spectra from other, collaborating, laboratories. To provide a solution to these limitations I have started to develop mMass - open source multi-platform tool for precise mass spectrometric data analysis and interpretation.

Téléchargement du fichier XML source4 : mMass.desktop

  1. déduit sommairement des traductions en cours, avec une priorité pour un logiciel traduit à plus de 80%. 

  2. on ne s'intérresse ici qu'au nom, au sous-titre et à la description. 

  3. basé sur appstream glib qui indique dans son fichier as-translation n'inclure que les fichiers gettext et QT. 

  4. il s'agit d'un extrait de

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