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name Search tool based on fgr
summary Advanced user search dialog
description Search tool for Rodent (aka, graphic front end to command line fgr).Fgr is a succesor of command line glob which works in combination with grep (either GNU or BSD version) by means of thread controlled pipes (libtubo). Rodent-fgr is meant to be a desktop graphic interface to fgr to compliment fast, small and powerful file management. Rodent-fgr is specially thought out for the maintainance of large sets of source code and is highly customizable, either from the rodent-fm settings dialog ---if installed--- or else by setting the corresponding environment variables. Content search is left to the excellent code developed by GNU grep authors, without duplicating any code. Updates to GNU grep are used automatically.You probably want to install this application if you are having problems searching for files based on content.

Téléchargement du fichier XML source4 : Rodent-fgr.desktop

  1. déduit sommairement des traductions en cours, avec une priorité pour un logiciel traduit à plus de 80%. 

  2. on ne s'intérresse ici qu'au nom, au sous-titre et à la description. 

  3. basé sur appstream glib qui indique dans son fichier as-translation n'inclure que les fichiers gettext et QT. 

  4. il s'agit d'un extrait de

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